Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday 2/25/13 - quiz review and worktime.

Learning target: students can identify their mistakes.

Homework due tomorrow: classwork 12.2&12.3

Homework due Thursday pg 673 #1-3 pg 684 #1-3,6

Friday 2/22/13 - quiz and worktime

Learning target: students can calculate probability using venn and tree diagrams.

Homework questions

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday 2/20/13 -intro to probability and randomness

Learning target: students can explain the difference between theoretical and experimental probability.


Homework pg 661-662 #1-5 Due Friday

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday 2/19/13 test review and classwork corrections.

learning target: students can identify the mistakes they made on the Ch 7 test.

Friday 2/15/13 finding roots of higher ordered polynomials.

Learning target: students can write the equations of higher ordered polynomials based on their roots.

Notes and worktime.

Thursday 2/14/13 polynomial division

Learning target:students can add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials.

Activity: work time on the Hw.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Monday 2/13/13 polynomial operations

Learning target: I can multiply and divide polynomials

 classroom for success hw #3 (due tues)
Worksheet (Due Friday)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday 2/8/13 -quadratics quiz 2

Skills on the quiz:

multiplying imaginary numbers
factored, vertex, general form of a quadratic
finding real roots using the quadratic formula
finding imaginary roots using the quadratic formula

Thursday 2/7/13 complex number operations

Learning target: students can perform operations of complex numbers

Homework: pg 394 #1,2,3,4,9

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday 2/6/13 - complex number operations

Learning target: students can perform operations with complex numbers.


Homework: pg 394 #1,2,3 and pg 395 #9

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday 2/5/13 - Quadratic formula and imaginary roots

Learning target: students can apply the quadratic formula to find the roots of a parabola.

Homework: quadratic formula recital, you must accurately recite the quadratic formula to 10 people and they will sign off saying that you recited it accurately.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday 2/4/12 Quadratic formula

Learning target: students can apply the quadratic formula to find roots.


Homework (due Wednesday)

You must accurately recite the quadratic formula to at least 10 people, where at least half of them are adults.   Give this sheet to the person that will quiz you, they can use the equation below as a reference.  If you recite the formula correctly then they will then sign off acknowledging this.











Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday 2/1/12 quiz on quadratic functions

students should be able to demonstrate their knowledge of quadtractics in

general form
vertex form
factored form

zero product property.

Hw due today

Thursday 1/31/13 completing the square with a non 1 leading cefficent

Learning target: students can complete the square if the leading coefficent is not 1.
