Algebra 2 Syllabus

Algebra 2 Syllabus 2013-2014
Mr. Olson – Room 327

Curriculum: Advance Algebra, Focused Instruction

1st Quarter

Unit 1:Sequences and Series
Unit 2: Family of functions

2nd Quarter

Unit 3: Exponential, Power, and Log functions
Unit 4: Linear Programming

3rd Quarter

Unit 5: Polynomials
Unit 6: Probability
Unit 7:MCA review

4th Quarter (beyond MN state standards)

Unit A: Conic sections
Unit B: Circle Trigonometry and beyond

This class focuses on the mathematics portion of the Minnesota Academic Standards. These standards ask students to show higher order thinking skills and understanding of key mathematical concepts. The Minnesota Academic Standards for years 9 – 11 include the strands (1) Algebra (2) Geometry and Measurement (3) Data Analysis and Probability. This class concentrates mostly on the Geometry and Measurement strand of the standards.

What To Bring To Class
1. All students MUST have a pencil or pen every day in class.
2. All students are required to have a notebook (a graph paper notebook is beneficial).
3. Textbook is optional – you can check one out or use the online version (see below).
4. You may wish to purchase a calculator (ti-84+) for use at home and school.
5. A willingness to challenge yourself.

Online Support Materials for Discovering Advanced Algebra
There are online support materials available for our textbook - Discovering Advanced Algebra – 1st Edition. Parents or students who wish to find extra help, examples, practice materials, or use the online book for homework can find them here:
2. Further instructions to come.

Online graphing calculator resources:

Desmos Calculator:

Graphing calculator for android operating systems, available at Google Play store:

online scientific calculator:

to install a Ti-84 emulator on your computer follow the instructions on this document:

(60%) Assessments – There will be several unit tests throughout the year, totaling 30% of a student’s grade.  Additionally, there will be a cumulative final for each semester that will total 30% of a student’s grade.  If a student fails to pass a required learning target then they must find time either before or after school to retake the learning targets.

(20%)  quizzes – quizzes will be based on the subject content with questions similar to the homework.  There is extra work for students who don't perform well on these that counts towards a quiz make-up.

(10%) Practice and participation - This includes homework, classwork, warm ups, small projects, etc.

(10%) Classroom for success, Benchmark tests- There will be bi-monthly classroom for success homeworks and a district benchmark test for every unit.

Grading will take place on a 4 point scale:

0: no attempt1: Beginning, doesn't meet the standard yet.2: Developing, partially meets the standard.  Work shows knowledge of material but is incoherent, illogical or mistaken.3: Accomplished, meets the standard: Work shows full knowledge of material and evidence of learning.4:  Exemplary, exceeds the standard: Work shows full knowledge of content material and beyond.

Your final overall grade will be determined using the following percentages:
A       90%
A -      83%
B +     77%
B       70%
B -     63%
C +    57%
C       50%
C -     43%
D +    37%
D       30%
D -     %
F       0%   

Homework – Homework assignments will be worth 3 points each. Homework is due at the beginning of the next class and late work will not be accepted with the exception of excused absences. To get a three you must attempt the entire homework and show that you have attempted it. Late homework will only receive points if you have an excused absence or have personally spoken with me about it.
Classwork – Students will receive points in class warm ups, investigations, problems, group work, written reflections, etc.

Specific Rules for Room 327
1. Attitude makes or breaks a student, choose your attitude wisely.
2. The right time is the best time.
3. Be prepared
4. Everything in it’s place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

math is 2 bomb!!!! it be tricked out bro!!