Friday, December 6, 2013

Scavenger Hunt-feasible region and linear programming introduction

Learning Target: students can identify points inside and outside of the feasible region.

Intro: I hand out the problem to each student as they come in the door and most of them can begin without any prompt.

the idea is that we are going to set up a scavenger hunt and need to set up the boundaries using a system of inequalities. (thank you Google Maps)

Students graph these and label 5 points that would serve as suitable stations for the scavenger hunt.  Inevitably, one student will pick some point where x=4, which gives us a good talking point when we review it.

there is one question about the northern-most point, which students will eyeball from there sometimes haphazard graphs, which gives us an avenue to review solving systems.

Plugging the point back in and finding the y-location is not always easy to remember.

Here is a PDF of the lesson, and below is the worksheet.

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