Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wed/Thurs 4/17/13-4/18/13 arcfunctions

Learning target: students can find angles using arc-functions.
Supporting learning target: students can explain the difference between inverse-trig functions and arc-trig functions

Activity: We will put a new entry in our periodic functions table of contents: trig identities.   Then I will have students create a new page, titles trig inverse and arc-functions.  Here are the directions:

1.)Pick a partner next to you.

2.) trade notebooks.

3.) Your partner will neatly draw 4 right triangles on your page, and you will draw 4 on theirs.

4.) When you are done hand the notebook back to the owner.

5.) Correctly identify the angles of the triangles drawn by only measuring the side lengths, finding a trig ratio, and referencing the trig values chart.

(use any of the three trig functions per triangle, but do at least one of each overall)


Test for understanding, half page, students do the front 4 triangles and high challenge students can practice #5 & #6 on the back.

Classwork solutions:

 Homework (due Friday) worksheet

Homework (due Tuesday)  classroom for success

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